Dummy example
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pynewmarkdisp.newmark import direct_newmark, plot_newmark_integration
from pynewmarkdisp.infslope import factor_of_safety, get_ky
from pynewmarkdisp.spatial import *
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pynewmarkdisp.newmark import direct_newmark, plot_newmark_integration
from pynewmarkdisp.infslope import factor_of_safety, get_ky
from pynewmarkdisp.spatial import *
In [2]:
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamontoyaa/data4testing/main/pynewmarkdisp/"
# Loading earthquake data
earthquake_record = pd.read_csv(f"{url}earthquake_data_simple.csv", sep=";")
g = 1.0 # It means, accel units are given in fractions of gravity
accel = np.array(earthquake_record["Acceleration"])
time = np.array(earthquake_record["Time"])
# Loading spatial data
dem, header = load_ascii_raster(f"{url}spatial_data_dummy_example/dem.asc")
slope, header = load_ascii_raster(f"{url}spatial_data_dummy_example/slope.asc")
zones, header = load_ascii_raster(f"{url}spatial_data_dummy_example/zones.asc")
depth, header = load_ascii_raster(f"{url}spatial_data_dummy_example/zmax.asc")
depth_w, header = load_ascii_raster(f"{url}spatial_data_dummy_example/depthwt.asc")
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamontoyaa/data4testing/main/pynewmarkdisp/"
# Loading earthquake data
earthquake_record = pd.read_csv(f"{url}earthquake_data_simple.csv", sep=";")
g = 1.0 # It means, accel units are given in fractions of gravity
accel = np.array(earthquake_record["Acceleration"])
time = np.array(earthquake_record["Time"])
# Loading spatial data
dem, header = load_ascii_raster(f"{url}spatial_data_dummy_example/dem.asc")
slope, header = load_ascii_raster(f"{url}spatial_data_dummy_example/slope.asc")
zones, header = load_ascii_raster(f"{url}spatial_data_dummy_example/zones.asc")
depth, header = load_ascii_raster(f"{url}spatial_data_dummy_example/zmax.asc")
depth_w, header = load_ascii_raster(f"{url}spatial_data_dummy_example/depthwt.asc")
In [3]:
# General inputs
spat_ref = {
'xy_lowerleft': (header["xllcorner"], header["yllcorner"]),
'cell_size': header["cellsize"]
contours = np.arange(70, 105, 5)
# Geotechnical parameters of each geological zone
parameters = { # Zone: frict_angle, cohesion, unit_weight
1: (35, 3.5, 22),
2: (31, 8, 22),
# Associating geotechnical parameters to each geological zone spatially and plotting
phi, c, gamma = map_zones(parameters, zones)
fig = plot_spatial_field(zones, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours,
title="Geological units", cmap='Dark2', discrete=True,
label=['Zone 1', 'Zone 2'], labelrot=90)
# General inputs
spat_ref = {
'xy_lowerleft': (header["xllcorner"], header["yllcorner"]),
'cell_size': header["cellsize"]
contours = np.arange(70, 105, 5)
# Geotechnical parameters of each geological zone
parameters = { # Zone: frict_angle, cohesion, unit_weight
1: (35, 3.5, 22),
2: (31, 8, 22),
# Associating geotechnical parameters to each geological zone spatially and plotting
phi, c, gamma = map_zones(parameters, zones)
fig = plot_spatial_field(zones, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours,
title="Geological units", cmap='Dark2', discrete=True,
label=['Zone 1', 'Zone 2'], labelrot=90)
In [12]:
# plotting the digital elevation model (dem)
fig = plot_spatial_field(dem, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours, labelrot=90,
title="Elevation [msnm]", cmap='terrain', discrete=False)
# plotting the spatial distribution of slopes
fig = plot_spatial_field(slope, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours,
title="$\\delta\\ [^\\circ]$", cmap='RdYlGn_r', labelrot=90)
# plotting the spatial distribution of potential sliding mass depths
fig = plot_spatial_field(depth, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours,
title="$Z_\\mathrm{max}$ [m]", cmap='viridis', labelrot=90)
# plotting the spatial distribution of watertable depths
fig = plot_spatial_field(depth_w, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours,
title="$d$ [m]", cmap='viridis', labelrot=90)
# plotting the digital elevation model (dem)
fig = plot_spatial_field(dem, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours, labelrot=90,
title="Elevation [msnm]", cmap='terrain', discrete=False)
# plotting the spatial distribution of slopes
fig = plot_spatial_field(slope, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours,
title="$\\delta\\ [^\\circ]$", cmap='RdYlGn_r', labelrot=90)
# plotting the spatial distribution of potential sliding mass depths
fig = plot_spatial_field(depth, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours,
title="$Z_\\mathrm{max}$ [m]", cmap='viridis', labelrot=90)
# plotting the spatial distribution of watertable depths
fig = plot_spatial_field(depth_w, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours,
title="$d$ [m]", cmap='viridis', labelrot=90)
In [5]:
factor_of_safety(depth=1, depth_w=1, slope=30, phi=27, c=5, gamma=17, ks=0)
factor_of_safety(depth=1, depth_w=1, slope=30, phi=27, c=5, gamma=17, ks=0)
In [6]:
# Calculating the factor of safety and plotting its spatial distribution
fs = factor_of_safety(depth, depth_w, slope, phi, c, gamma, ks=0)
fig = plot_spatial_field(fs, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours, cmap='RdYlGn',
title="$f_\\mathrm{s}$", vmin=1.0, vmax=3.0, labelrot=90)
# Calculating the factor of safety and plotting its spatial distribution
fs = factor_of_safety(depth, depth_w, slope, phi, c, gamma, ks=0)
fig = plot_spatial_field(fs, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours, cmap='RdYlGn',
title="$f_\\mathrm{s}$", vmin=1.0, vmax=3.0, labelrot=90)
In [7]:
# Calculating the critical seismic coefficient and plotting its spatial distribution
ky = get_ky(depth, depth_w, slope, phi, c, gamma)
fig = plot_spatial_field(ky, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours, cmap='RdYlGn',
title="$k_\\mathrm{y}$", labelrot=90)
# Calculating the critical seismic coefficient and plotting its spatial distribution
ky = get_ky(depth, depth_w, slope, phi, c, gamma)
fig = plot_spatial_field(ky, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours, cmap='RdYlGn',
title="$k_\\mathrm{y}$", labelrot=90)
In [8]:
# Calculating factor of safety for pseudostatic conditions and plotting its spatial distribution
ks = 0.4 * ky
fig = plot_spatial_field(ks, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours, cmap='RdYlGn',
title="$k_\\mathrm{s} = 0.4 k_\\mathrm{y}$", labelrot=90)
fs_ks = factor_of_safety(depth, depth_w, slope, phi, c, gamma, ks=ks)
fig = plot_spatial_field(fs_ks, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours, cmap='RdYlGn',
title="$f_\\mathrm{s, k_\\mathrm{s}}$", vmin=1.0, vmax=3.0, labelrot=90)
# Calculating factor of safety for pseudostatic conditions and plotting its spatial distribution
ks = 0.4 * ky
fig = plot_spatial_field(ks, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours, cmap='RdYlGn',
title="$k_\\mathrm{s} = 0.4 k_\\mathrm{y}$", labelrot=90)
fs_ks = factor_of_safety(depth, depth_w, slope, phi, c, gamma, ks=ks)
fig = plot_spatial_field(fs_ks, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours, cmap='RdYlGn',
title="$f_\\mathrm{s, k_\\mathrm{s}}$", vmin=1.0, vmax=3.0, labelrot=90)
In [9]:
# Calculating permanent displacements and plotting its spatial distribution
permanent_disp = spatial_newmark(time, accel, ky, g)
fig = plot_spatial_field(permanent_disp, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours,
title="$u_\\mathrm{p}$ [m]", cmap='RdYlGn_r', labelrot=90)
# Calculating permanent displacements and plotting its spatial distribution
permanent_disp = spatial_newmark(time, accel, ky, g)
fig = plot_spatial_field(permanent_disp, dem, spat_ref=header, levels=contours,
title="$u_\\mathrm{p}$ [m]", cmap='RdYlGn_r', labelrot=90)
In [10]:
# Verification of the Direct Newmark Method at one cell
cell = (2, 3)
print(zones[cell], dem[cell], slope[cell], fs[cell], ky[cell], permanent_disp[cell])
newmark_str = verify_newmark_at_cell(
cell, time, accel, g, depth, depth_w, slope, phi, c, gamma)
fig = plot_newmark_integration(newmark_str)
# Verification of the Direct Newmark Method at one cell
cell = (2, 3)
print(zones[cell], dem[cell], slope[cell], fs[cell], ky[cell], permanent_disp[cell])
newmark_str = verify_newmark_at_cell(
cell, time, accel, g, depth, depth_w, slope, phi, c, gamma)
fig = plot_newmark_integration(newmark_str)
2.0 95.0 26.6 1.52 0.2 0.09
In [11]:
# Verification of the Direct Newmark Method at one cell
fig = plot_newmark_integration(newmark_str, True)
# Verification of the Direct Newmark Method at one cell
fig = plot_newmark_integration(newmark_str, True)